
Mohammad Shohab Hakimi

Director of MDC
Chairman of Afghan campaign to Ban Land Mines(ACBL)

Prof. Mohammad Shohab Hakimi was born on September 29, 1959 , in the village of Piarokhil, near Maidan Shahr, Afghanistan.
His grandfather, Akhter Mohammad khan, had served as a tribal elder from Stanikzai tribe during king Amir Habibulah Khan. His father, Abdul Hakim Khan was an Architect/Designer in Kabul Municipality, and then a member of the Loya Jarga from the Stanekzai tribe during king Amir Amanullah Khan.
Prof. Mohammad Shohab Hakimi studied at the Kabul Experimental primary school and Habibia high school in Kabul. After graduating from high school in 1978, he entered Faculty of agriculture of Kabul University. He obtained his B.Sc. in Horticulture, Forestry and Natural resources in 1982 and was accepted as an assistant professor at Kabul University. Also he studied at Pacific Southern University of California (Peshawar campus) and obtained his M.B.A in Human Resources Management.
Prof. Mohammad Shohab Hakimi in 1982 during the soviet invasion of Afghanistan traveled to Peshawar and Joined anti-Soviet resistance movement. Also he served as an English instructor in the IRC English language program for Afghan refugees in Peshawar.
Prof. Mohammad Shohab Hakimi joined the USAID assistance program for Afghanistan as manager of the Animal holding Facility (AHF) in 1989. AHF distributed Thousands of Trucks Tractors and Mule/Horses donated by the US government to the resistance movement organizations to transport aid material inside Afghanistan. After the Geneva accord was signed between USA, Soviet Union, Pakistan and that time Afghan government, in 1988 AHF changed its mission and started support for the UN mine clearance program.
He also wrote his doctoral dissertation on the topic of the effects of trees on climate in cities. which is being evaluated in one of the universities abroad.
Prof. Mohammad Shohab Hakimi was appointed as Director of the MDC (Mine detection Center) or ex –AHF in 1989 and continues up to date.
Prof. Mohammad Shohab Hakimi during the last three decades was very active in Afghanistan’s reconstruction activities at the national and international levels. His organization (MDC) with its 5,500 personnel has cleared more than 308 million Sqm of the mine-affected land and supported the land mine survey of Afghanistan during last 30 years.
At the international level he supported the republic of Yemen, Soudan, Azerbaijan, and Tajikistan to establish mine action teams (EDD, MDD, EORE, Mechanical and demining teams) to clear mines in those countries.
Prof. Mohammad Shohab Hakimi has attended more than 50 conferences, workshops and meetings in USA, European, Asian and African states and has presented presentations related to reconstruction, mines and other issues. He was also the organizer of two international Ban land mines and Land Mine Monitor conferences in Kabul.
He was a member of three Loya Girgas (traditional grand assembly) held in Afghanistan between 2002-2022 as well. Also Prof. Mohammad Shohab Hakimi was Afghanistan's presidential candidate in 2019, He is also amember of the advisory Board of Geneva international center for Humanitarian demining (GICHD) and the International campaign to ban land mines (ICBL). He is also a save environment activist, propagated, and planted during last two decades in different provinces of Afghanistan.
Right now he serves as the director of MDC, President of the Afghan CBL and since last two and half decades Professor in the faculty of Agriculture in Kabul University.
Right now he has initiated and online education program with the support of AES (applied Education Service) of the USA for the Afghan girls and boys particularly in rural and remote areas of Afghanistan. under the name of ADLA (Afghan Digital Learning Academy). Soon this program survey and pilot project will be started in 4-6 provinces.